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Accident investigation is an important requirement for all organisations. Not only are they regulatory requirements but can also prevent more serious accidents which can have a devastating impact on individuals and businesses.


In this Accident Investigation course, you will uncover what to investigate, how to investigate and the requirements of reporting and writing recommendations.


Our Accident Investigation online training course allows organisations to cut their costs without cutting corners or compromising on safety. If you need to make a business case for safety training, we've outlined the key reasons why this occupational safety course is good for business.


The online eLearning course has been designed to help businesses to comply with legislation which means you’ll benefit from enhanced accident reporting while also helping to identify root causes and implement protection measures and prevent future incidents.


Research shows that organisations that implement proper accident investigations experience a reduction in incidents and an overall improvement in safety.


According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) businesses lose an average of around £3,500 for each accident in unisured costs.


Our online eLearning Accident Investigation course will help your team improve the overall safety standards in your workplace and reduce risk whilst building a healthy, open and honest environment when it comes to attitudes to accidents and the way they are reported.

Accident Investigation

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