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All employees deserve the highest level of health and safety protection whilst they are carrying out their work activities. Permits to Work (PTW) are a formal, documented, systematic way to control certain activities that present a high level of risk. The permit forms an essential part of a safe system of work. Employers have a duty to ensure that PTW are in place when required, and employees have a duty to co-operate with the agreed terms and conditions of the permit. If your work activities carry a high level of risk you need to consider our Permit to Work Systems Course


This e-learning module provides the essential information as outlined within health and safety legislation to demonstrate statutory compliance. The training makes clear both the employer’s and employee’s responsibility in addition to assisting with the practical application.


The module explains what PTWs are, why and when they are required, what should be considered, how they are issued and withdrawn and by whom. The training explains the principals of prevention and gives clear example of what is required to control hazards attached to high risk activity and residual risk.  


The consequences of not providing suitable training can be disastrous in terms of human suffering, legal costs and business interruption. This is why more and more businesses are using e-learning to easily communicate the essential knowledge required when it comes to PTW systems. We are the trusted e-learning provider to a wide range of companies and organisations from SMEs through to national brands and UK government agencies who all love the ease-of-use of our online training courses. E-learning is fast to deploy and all learners can be tracked through our intuitive learning management system.

Permit to Work

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